Run North County is a non-profit that focuses on connecting runners to resources, helping the awesome organizers of local fun runs in North County San Diego, and finding ways for the running community to give back to local charities and organizations.
People think of running as a lonely sport, and we've learned that it is quite the opposite. Running is about people. Whether you're racing, or going on a 20-minute walk, it all eventually comes back to connecting with others in the running community.
"We are connecting runners and community, one run at a time."
We hope you enjoy our site. All of the group runs, and promos are free to anyone in North County - whether you live here or are visiting! (To access the PROMOS, you must create a sign up for a free account. (See below) If you'd like to get involved, or have a run you think should be included, go to our contact page, and email us.
In 2010, weekly run leaders organized and promoted runs separately to small groups of runners. It also made it hard to find information on local runs. The solution, "let's work together."
We created Run North County, a resource for runners to find not only group runs, but fun community events put on by local community partners in North County.
As the community has grown, so have the opportunities. Each year, we are able to offer special discounts to events, deals at locally owned stores, and provide fun raffle prizes and gears to support these runs.
As an organized non-profit, we give back to the community in more ways than running. We do so by harnessing the awesomeness of the people who attend the weekly runs and the community partners who are active in the endurance industry. We volunteer as an organization at events ranging from the Carlsbad Marathon to the Ironman Triathlon. Additionally, we conduct successful food drives for local food banks, and provide toys for thousands of children in our holiday toy drives.
Most importantly, we have already accumulated thousands of great memories, spawned great friendships, and created a resource that provides safe and fun opportunities for runners and walkers in North County San Diego.
We look forward to many more runs and hope that you can make it out to a community run in North County sometime soon.